Phoenix Tumaini - USA is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing orphaned and abandoned children in Kenya. We provide essential care, including food, shelter, and education, while working to reunite them with extended family whenever possible.
Friends forever
In the spring of 1994, Donna Stimson, Susan Rahn, Sandi Carlile, and Sharon Small embarked on a Gerber Travel Company's Bush Camping trip from North Africa to Kenya. This transformative experience fostered a lifelong bond among the women and ignited a deep connection to Africa. Twenty-four years later, reunited in Kenya, they solidified their friendship and initiated plans to support Sandi's children's home.
Join our dynamic crew of friends, family, and board members who are committed to making a difference.
Our vibrant community includes dedicated friends, supportive family, and a stellar board. We're also grateful for the incredible individuals who've shaped our journey and continue to inspire us.
With heavy hearts, we acknowledge the passing of a valued member of our PT family. Their support will be deeply missed.
At the heart of Phoenix Tumaini are our exceptional board members, Tracey Farleigh and Gerald Ngugi. They're instrumental in building our PT family, one act of kindness at a time.